Effect of time to sentinel-node biopsy on the prognosis of cutaneous melanoma.
Tejera-Vaquerizo, Antonio, et al. “Effect of Time to Sentinel-Node Biopsy on the Prognosis of Cutaneous Melanoma.” European Journal of Cancer, vol. 51, no. 13, Sept. 2015, pp. 1780–93. EBSCOhost,
Tejera-Vaquerizo, A., Nagore, E., Puig, S., Robert, C., Saiag, P., Martín-Cuevas, P., Gallego, E., Herrera-Acosta, E., Aguilera, J., Malvehy, J., Carrera, C., Cavalcanti, A., Rull, R., Vilalta-Solsona, A., Lannoy, E., Boutros, C., Benannoune, N., Tomasic, G., Aegerte, P., & Vidal-Sicart, S. (2015). Effect of time to sentinel-node biopsy on the prognosis of cutaneous melanoma. European Journal of Cancer, 51(13), 1780–1793.
Tejera-Vaquerizo, Antonio, Eduardo Nagore, Susana Puig, Caroline Robert, Philippe Saiag, Paula Martín-Cuevas, Elena Gallego, et al. 2015. “Effect of Time to Sentinel-Node Biopsy on the Prognosis of Cutaneous Melanoma.” European Journal of Cancer 51 (13): 1780–93. doi:10.1016/j.ejca.2015.05.023.