Freeze Tolerance in Sculpins (Pisces; Cottoidea) Inhabiting North Pacific and Arctic Oceans: Antifreeze Activity and Gene Sequences of the Antifreeze Protein.
Yamazaki, Aya, et al. “Freeze Tolerance in Sculpins (Pisces; Cottoidea) Inhabiting North Pacific and Arctic Oceans: Antifreeze Activity and Gene Sequences of the Antifreeze Protein.” Biomolecules (2218-273X), vol. 9, no. 4, Apr. 2019, p. 139. EBSCOhost,
Yamazaki, A., Nishimiya, Y., Tsuda, S., Togashi, K., & Munehara, H. (2019). Freeze Tolerance in Sculpins (Pisces; Cottoidea) Inhabiting North Pacific and Arctic Oceans: Antifreeze Activity and Gene Sequences of the Antifreeze Protein. Biomolecules (2218-273X), 9(4), 139.
Yamazaki, Aya, Yoshiyuki Nishimiya, Sakae Tsuda, Koji Togashi, and Hiroyuki Munehara. 2019. “Freeze Tolerance in Sculpins (Pisces; Cottoidea) Inhabiting North Pacific and Arctic Oceans: Antifreeze Activity and Gene Sequences of the Antifreeze Protein.” Biomolecules (2218-273X) 9 (4): 139. doi:10.3390/biom9040139.