Effect of Temperature on Compartmental Profile of Solid Content in a Modified Anaerobic Inclining-Baffled Reactor Treating Recycled Paper Mill Effluent.
Zwain, Haider M., et al. “Effect of Temperature on Compartmental Profile of Solid Content in a Modified Anaerobic Inclining-Baffled Reactor Treating Recycled Paper Mill Effluent.” AIP Conference Proceedings, vol. 2124, no. 1, July 2019, pp. 030003-1-030003-8. EBSCOhost,
Zwain, H. M., Alzubaidi, S. A., Kheudhier, Z. A., & Dahlan, I. (2019). Effect of Temperature on Compartmental Profile of Solid Content in a Modified Anaerobic Inclining-Baffled Reactor Treating Recycled Paper Mill Effluent. AIP Conference Proceedings, 2124(1), 030003-1-030003-8.
Zwain, Haider M., Saba A. Alzubaidi, Zahra A. Kheudhier, and Irvan Dahlan. 2019. “Effect of Temperature on Compartmental Profile of Solid Content in a Modified Anaerobic Inclining-Baffled Reactor Treating Recycled Paper Mill Effluent.” AIP Conference Proceedings 2124 (1): 030003-1-030003-8. doi:10.1063/1.5117125.