104 Exploring the Utility of the VERA Framework to Improve Communication between Nursing Students and People with Dementia in Long-term Care.
Dorey, Amber, et al. “104 Exploring the Utility of the VERA Framework to Improve Communication between Nursing Students and People with Dementia in Long-Term Care.” Age & Ageing, vol. 48, no. suppl_3, Sept. 2019, pp. iii17-iii65. EBSCOhost,
Dorey, A., Jordan, F., & Casey, D. (2019). 104 Exploring the Utility of the VERA Framework to Improve Communication between Nursing Students and People with Dementia in Long-term Care. Age & Ageing, 48(suppl_3), iii17-iii65.
Dorey, Amber, Fionnuala Jordan, and Dympna Casey. 2019. “104 Exploring the Utility of the VERA Framework to Improve Communication between Nursing Students and People with Dementia in Long-Term Care.” Age & Ageing 48 (suppl_3): iii17-iii65. doi:10.1093/ageing/afz103.61.