Huperzine A for the treatment of cognitive, mood, and functional deficits after moderate and severe TBI (HUP-TBI): results of a Phase II randomized controlled pilot study: implications for understanding the placebo effect.
Zafonte, Ross D., et al. “Huperzine A for the Treatment of Cognitive, Mood, and Functional Deficits after Moderate and Severe TBI (HUP-TBI): Results of a Phase II Randomized Controlled Pilot Study: Implications for Understanding the Placebo Effect.” Brain Injury, vol. 34, no. 1, Jan. 2020, pp. 34–41. EBSCOhost,
Zafonte, R. D., Fregni, F., Bergin, M. J. G., Goldstein, R., Boudreau, N., Monge, I., Luz, M., Frazier, J., & Giacino, J. T. (2020). Huperzine A for the treatment of cognitive, mood, and functional deficits after moderate and severe TBI (HUP-TBI): results of a Phase II randomized controlled pilot study: implications for understanding the placebo effect. Brain Injury, 34(1), 34–41.
Zafonte, Ross D., Felipe Fregni, Michael J.G. Bergin, Richard Goldstein, Nancy Boudreau, Iris Monge, Matthew Luz, Judith Frazier, and Joseph T. Giacino. 2020. “Huperzine A for the Treatment of Cognitive, Mood, and Functional Deficits after Moderate and Severe TBI (HUP-TBI): Results of a Phase II Randomized Controlled Pilot Study: Implications for Understanding the Placebo Effect.” Brain Injury 34 (1): 34–41. doi:10.1080/02699052.2019.1677941.