Prevention of incisional hernia using different suture materials for closing the abdominal wall: a comparison of PDS, Vicryl and Prolene in a rat model.
van Steensel, S., et al. “Prevention of Incisional Hernia Using Different Suture Materials for Closing the Abdominal Wall: A Comparison of PDS, Vicryl and Prolene in a Rat Model.” Hernia, vol. 24, no. 1, Feb. 2020, pp. 67–78. EBSCOhost,
van Steensel, S., van den Hil, L. C. L., Bloemen, A., Gijbels, M. J., Breukink, S. O., Melenhorst, J., Lenaerts, K., & Bouvy, N. D. (2020). Prevention of incisional hernia using different suture materials for closing the abdominal wall: a comparison of PDS, Vicryl and Prolene in a rat model. Hernia, 24(1), 67–78.
van Steensel, S., L. C. L. van den Hil, A. Bloemen, M. J. Gijbels, S. O. Breukink, J. Melenhorst, K. Lenaerts, and N. D. Bouvy. 2020. “Prevention of Incisional Hernia Using Different Suture Materials for Closing the Abdominal Wall: A Comparison of PDS, Vicryl and Prolene in a Rat Model.” Hernia 24 (1): 67–78. doi:10.1007/s10029-019-01941-9.