A rare cause of delayed puberty in two cases with 46,XX and 46,XY karyotype: 17 α-hydroxylase deficiency due to a novel variant in CYP17A1 gene.
Unal, Edip, et al. “A Rare Cause of Delayed Puberty in Two Cases with 46,XX and 46,XY Karyotype: 17 α-Hydroxylase Deficiency Due to a Novel Variant in CYP17A1 Gene.” Gynecological Endocrinology, vol. 36, no. 8, Aug. 2020, pp. 739–42. EBSCOhost,
Unal, E., Yıldırım, R., Taş, F. F., Tekin, S., Ceylaner, S., & Haspolat, Y. K. (2020). A rare cause of delayed puberty in two cases with 46,XX and 46,XY karyotype: 17 α-hydroxylase deficiency due to a novel variant in CYP17A1 gene. Gynecological Endocrinology, 36(8), 739–742.
Unal, Edip, Ruken Yıldırım, Funda Feryal Taş, Suat Tekin, Serdar Ceylaner, and Yusuf Kenan Haspolat. 2020. “A Rare Cause of Delayed Puberty in Two Cases with 46,XX and 46,XY Karyotype: 17 α-Hydroxylase Deficiency Due to a Novel Variant in CYP17A1 Gene.” Gynecological Endocrinology 36 (8): 739–42. doi:10.1080/09513590.2019.1707798.