Automated Extraction of Phenotypic Leaf Traits of Individual Intact Herbarium Leaves from Herbarium Specimen Images Using Deep Learning Based Semantic Segmentation.
Hussein, Burhan Rashid, et al. “Automated Extraction of Phenotypic Leaf Traits of Individual Intact Herbarium Leaves from Herbarium Specimen Images Using Deep Learning Based Semantic Segmentation.” Sensors (14248220), vol. 21, no. 13, July 2021, p. 4549. EBSCOhost,
Hussein, B. R., Malik, O. A., Ong, W.-H., & Slik, J. W. F. (2021). Automated Extraction of Phenotypic Leaf Traits of Individual Intact Herbarium Leaves from Herbarium Specimen Images Using Deep Learning Based Semantic Segmentation. Sensors (14248220), 21(13), 4549.
Hussein, Burhan Rashid, Owais Ahmed Malik, Wee-Hong Ong, and Johan Willem Frederik Slik. 2021. “Automated Extraction of Phenotypic Leaf Traits of Individual Intact Herbarium Leaves from Herbarium Specimen Images Using Deep Learning Based Semantic Segmentation.” Sensors (14248220) 21 (13): 4549. doi:10.3390/s21134549.