Coculture of adipose‐derived mesenchymal stem cells/macrophages on decellularized placental sponge promotes differentiation into the osteogenic lineage.
Khosrowpour, Zahra, et al. “Coculture of Adipose‐derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells/Macrophages on Decellularized Placental Sponge Promotes Differentiation into the Osteogenic Lineage.” Artificial Organs, vol. 47, no. 1, Jan. 2023, pp. 47–61. EBSCOhost,
Khosrowpour, Z., Hashemi, S. M., Mohammadi, Y. S., Moghtadaei, M., Brouki Milan, P., Moroni, L., Kundu, S. C., & Gholipourmalekabadi, M. (2023). Coculture of adipose‐derived mesenchymal stem cells/macrophages on decellularized placental sponge promotes differentiation into the osteogenic lineage. Artificial Organs, 47(1), 47–61.
Khosrowpour, Zahra, Seyed Mahmoud Hashemi, Yeganeh, Samira Mohammadi, Mehdi Moghtadaei, Peiman Brouki Milan, Lorenzo Moroni, Subhas C. Kundu, and Mazaher Gholipourmalekabadi. 2023. “Coculture of Adipose‐derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells/Macrophages on Decellularized Placental Sponge Promotes Differentiation into the Osteogenic Lineage.” Artificial Organs 47 (1): 47–61. doi:10.1111/aor.14394.