Novel Therapeutic Effects of Euphorbia heterophylla L. Methanol Extracts in Macular Degeneration Caused by Blue Light in A2E-Laden ARPE-19 Cells and Retina of BALB/c Mice.
Seol, Ayun, et al. “Novel Therapeutic Effects of Euphorbia Heterophylla L. Methanol Extracts in Macular Degeneration Caused by Blue Light in A2E-Laden ARPE-19 Cells and Retina of BALB/c Mice.” Pharmaceuticals (14248247), vol. 17, no. 9, Sept. 2024, p. 1193. EBSCOhost,
Seol, A., Kim, J.-E., Jin, Y.-J., Song, H.-J., Roh, Y.-J., Kim, T.-R., Park, E.-S., Park, K.-H., Park, S.-H., Uddin, M. S., Lee, S.-W., Choi, Y.-W., & Hwang, D.-Y. (2024). Novel Therapeutic Effects of Euphorbia heterophylla L. Methanol Extracts in Macular Degeneration Caused by Blue Light in A2E-Laden ARPE-19 Cells and Retina of BALB/c Mice. Pharmaceuticals (14248247), 17(9), 1193.
Seol, Ayun, Ji-Eun Kim, You-Jeong Jin, Hee-Jin Song, Yu-Jeong Roh, Tae-Ryeol Kim, Eun-Seo Park, et al. 2024. “Novel Therapeutic Effects of Euphorbia Heterophylla L. Methanol Extracts in Macular Degeneration Caused by Blue Light in A2E-Laden ARPE-19 Cells and Retina of BALB/c Mice.” Pharmaceuticals (14248247) 17 (9): 1193. doi:10.3390/ph17091193.