UV Solar Energy and Erythemal Exposure: Mathematical Models to Assess the Dose on Vertical and Inclined Planes in Different Sky Conditions.
Burattini, Chiara, et al. “UV Solar Energy and Erythemal Exposure: Mathematical Models to Assess the Dose on Vertical and Inclined Planes in Different Sky Conditions.” Energies (19961073), vol. 17, no. 22, Nov. 2024, p. 5718. EBSCOhost,
Burattini, C., Borra, M., Vespasiano, F., & Bisegna, F. (2024). UV Solar Energy and Erythemal Exposure: Mathematical Models to Assess the Dose on Vertical and Inclined Planes in Different Sky Conditions. Energies (19961073), 17(22), 5718.
Burattini, Chiara, Massimo Borra, Flavia Vespasiano, and Fabio Bisegna. 2024. “UV Solar Energy and Erythemal Exposure: Mathematical Models to Assess the Dose on Vertical and Inclined Planes in Different Sky Conditions.” Energies (19961073) 17 (22): 5718. doi:10.3390/en17225718.