A novel shape sensing approach based on the coupling of Modal Virtual Sensor Expansion and iFEM: Numerical and experimental assessment on composite stiffened structures.
Esposito, Marco. “A Novel Shape Sensing Approach Based on the Coupling of Modal Virtual Sensor Expansion and IFEM: Numerical and Experimental Assessment on Composite Stiffened Structures.” Computers & Structures, vol. 305, Dec. 2024, p. N.PAG. EBSCOhost,
Esposito, M. (2024). A novel shape sensing approach based on the coupling of Modal Virtual Sensor Expansion and iFEM: Numerical and experimental assessment on composite stiffened structures. Computers & Structures, 305, N.PAG.
Esposito, Marco. 2024. “A Novel Shape Sensing Approach Based on the Coupling of Modal Virtual Sensor Expansion and IFEM: Numerical and Experimental Assessment on Composite Stiffened Structures.” Computers & Structures 305 (December): N.PAG. doi:10.1016/j.compstruc.2024.107520.