Conifer defence against insects: microarray gene expression profiling of Sitka spruce ( Picea sitchensis) induced by mechanical wounding or feeding by spruce budworms ( Choristoneura occidentalis) or white pine weevils ( Pissodes strobi ) reveals large-scale changes of the host transcriptome
Ralph, Steven G., et al. “Conifer Defence against Insects: Microarray Gene Expression Profiling of Sitka Spruce ( Picea Sitchensis) Induced by Mechanical Wounding or Feeding by Spruce Budworms ( Choristoneura Occidentalis) or White Pine Weevils ( Pissodes Strobi ) Reveals Large-Scale Changes of the Host Transcriptome.” Plant, Cell & Environment, vol. 29, no. 8, Aug. 2006, pp. 1545–70. EBSCOhost,
Ralph, S. G., Yueh, H., Friedmann, M., Aeschliman, D., Zeznik, J. A., Nelson, C. C., Butterfield, Y. S. N., Kirkpatrick, R., Liu, J., Jones, S. J. M., Marra, M. A., Douglas, C. J., Ritland, K., & Bohlmann, J. (2006). Conifer defence against insects: microarray gene expression profiling of Sitka spruce ( Picea sitchensis) induced by mechanical wounding or feeding by spruce budworms ( Choristoneura occidentalis) or white pine weevils ( Pissodes strobi ) reveals large-scale changes of the host transcriptome. Plant, Cell & Environment, 29(8), 1545–1570.
Ralph, Steven G., Hesther Yueh, Michael Friedmann, Dana Aeschliman, Jeffrey A. Zeznik, Colleen C. Nelson, Yaron S. N. Butterfield, et al. 2006. “Conifer Defence against Insects: Microarray Gene Expression Profiling of Sitka Spruce ( Picea Sitchensis) Induced by Mechanical Wounding or Feeding by Spruce Budworms ( Choristoneura Occidentalis) or White Pine Weevils ( Pissodes Strobi ) Reveals Large-Scale Changes of the Host Transcriptome.” Plant, Cell & Environment 29 (8): 1545–70. doi:10.1111/j.1365-3040.2006.01532.x.