Note on “Single-machine and flowshop scheduling with a general learning effect model” and “Some single-machine and m-machine flowshop scheduling problems with learning considerations”
Kuo, Wen-Hung, and Dar-Li Yang. “Note on ‘Single-Machine and Flowshop Scheduling with a General Learning Effect Model’ and ‘Some Single-Machine and m-Machine Flowshop Scheduling Problems with Learning Considerations.’” Information Sciences, vol. 180, no. 19, Oct. 2010, pp. 3814–16. EBSCOhost,
Kuo, W.-H., & Yang, D.-L. (2010). Note on “Single-machine and flowshop scheduling with a general learning effect model” and “Some single-machine and m-machine flowshop scheduling problems with learning considerations.” Information Sciences, 180(19), 3814–3816.
Kuo, Wen-Hung, and Dar-Li Yang. 2010. “Note on ‘Single-Machine and Flowshop Scheduling with a General Learning Effect Model’ and ‘Some Single-Machine and m-Machine Flowshop Scheduling Problems with Learning Considerations.’” Information Sciences 180 (19): 3814–16. doi:10.1016/j.ins.2010.05.026.