Influence of Geometric Parameters of the Hydrocyclone and Sand Concentration on the Water/Sand/Heavy-Oil Separation Process: Modeling and Simulation.
Farias, F. P. M., et al. “Influence of Geometric Parameters of the Hydrocyclone and Sand Concentration on the Water/Sand/Heavy-Oil Separation Process: Modeling and Simulation.” International Journal of Multiphysics, vol. 5, no. 3, Sept. 2011, pp. 187–202. EBSCOhost,
Farias, F. P. M., Souza, J. S., de Lima, W. C. P. B., de Macêdo, A. C., de Farias Neto, S. R., & de Lima, A. G. B. (2011). Influence of Geometric Parameters of the Hydrocyclone and Sand Concentration on the Water/Sand/Heavy-Oil Separation Process: Modeling and Simulation. International Journal of Multiphysics, 5(3), 187–202.
Farias, F. P. M., J. S. Souza, W. C. P. B. de Lima, A. C. de Macêdo, S. R. de Farias Neto, and A. G. B. de Lima. 2011. “Influence of Geometric Parameters of the Hydrocyclone and Sand Concentration on the Water/Sand/Heavy-Oil Separation Process: Modeling and Simulation.” International Journal of Multiphysics 5 (3): 187–202. doi:10.1260/1750-9548.5.3.187.