Immunization of ovarian cancer patients with a synthetic Lewis(y)-protein conjugate vaccine: a phase 1 trial.
Sabbatini, P. J., et al. “Immunization of Ovarian Cancer Patients with a Synthetic Lewis(y)-Protein Conjugate Vaccine: A Phase 1 Trial.” International Journal of Cancer, vol. 87, no. 1, July 2000, pp. 79–85. EBSCOhost,
Sabbatini, P. J., Kudryashov, V., Ragupathi, G., Danishefsky, S. J., Livingston, P. O., Bornmann, W., Spassova, M., Zatorski, A., Spriggs, D., Aghajanian, C., Soignet, S., Peyton, M., O’Flaherty, C., Curtin, J., & Lloyd, K. O. (2000). Immunization of ovarian cancer patients with a synthetic Lewis(y)-protein conjugate vaccine: a phase 1 trial. International Journal of Cancer, 87(1), 79–85.
Sabbatini, P J, V Kudryashov, G Ragupathi, S J Danishefsky, P O Livingston, W Bornmann, M Spassova, et al. 2000. “Immunization of Ovarian Cancer Patients with a Synthetic Lewis(y)-Protein Conjugate Vaccine: A Phase 1 Trial.” International Journal of Cancer 87 (1): 79–85.