The primary determinant of rabbit myocardial ethanolamine phosphotransferase substrate selectivity is the covalent nature of the sn-1 aliphatic group of diradyl glycerol acceptors.
Ford, D. A., et al. “The Primary Determinant of Rabbit Myocardial Ethanolamine Phosphotransferase Substrate Selectivity Is the Covalent Nature of the Sn-1 Aliphatic Group of Diradyl Glycerol Acceptors.” The Journal of Biological Chemistry, vol. 267, no. 16, June 1992, pp. 11222–28. EBSCOhost,
Ford, D. A., Rosenbloom, K. B., & Gross, R. W. (1992). The primary determinant of rabbit myocardial ethanolamine phosphotransferase substrate selectivity is the covalent nature of the sn-1 aliphatic group of diradyl glycerol acceptors. The Journal of Biological Chemistry, 267(16), 11222–11228.
Ford, D A, K B Rosenbloom, and R W Gross. 1992. “The Primary Determinant of Rabbit Myocardial Ethanolamine Phosphotransferase Substrate Selectivity Is the Covalent Nature of the Sn-1 Aliphatic Group of Diradyl Glycerol Acceptors.” The Journal of Biological Chemistry 267 (16): 11222–28.