[Association of the IVS9-675C > A polymorphism of the HIF-1alpha gene with acute ischemic stroke in the Moscow population].
Tupitsyna, T. V., et al. “[Association of the IVS9-675C > A Polymorphism of the HIF-1alpha Gene with Acute Ischemic Stroke in the Moscow Population].” Genetika, vol. 42, no. 6, June 2006, pp. 858–61. EBSCOhost,
Tupitsyna, T. V., Slominskiĭ, P. A., Shadrina, M. I., Shetova, I. M., Skvortsova, V. I., & Limborskaia, S. A. (2006). [Association of the IVS9-675C > A polymorphism of the HIF-1alpha gene with acute ischemic stroke in the Moscow population]. Genetika, 42(6), 858–861.
Tupitsyna, T V, P A Slominskiĭ, M I Shadrina, I M Shetova, V I Skvortsova, and S A Limborskaia. 2006. “[Association of the IVS9-675C > A Polymorphism of the HIF-1alpha Gene with Acute Ischemic Stroke in the Moscow Population].” Genetika 42 (6): 858–61.