Case report: Meiotic segregation in spermatozoa of a 46,X,t(Y;10)(q11.2;p15.2) fertile translocation carrier.
Vialard, F., et al. “Case Report: Meiotic Segregation in Spermatozoa of a 46,X,t(Y;10)(Q11.2;P15.2) Fertile Translocation Carrier.” Reproductive Biomedicine Online, vol. 18, no. 4, Apr. 2009, pp. 549–54. EBSCOhost,
Vialard, F., Molina-Gomes, D., Roume, J., Podbiol, A., Hirel, C., Bailly, M., Hammoud, I., Dupont, J. M., de Mazancourt, P., & Selva, J. (2009). Case report: Meiotic segregation in spermatozoa of a 46,X,t(Y;10)(q11.2;p15.2) fertile translocation carrier. Reproductive Biomedicine Online, 18(4), 549–554.
Vialard, F, D Molina-Gomes, J Roume, A Podbiol, C Hirel, M Bailly, I Hammoud, J M Dupont, P de Mazancourt, and J Selva. 2009. “Case Report: Meiotic Segregation in Spermatozoa of a 46,X,t(Y;10)(Q11.2;P15.2) Fertile Translocation Carrier.” Reproductive Biomedicine Online 18 (4): 549–54. doi:10.1016/s1472-6483(10)60133-2.