Passive immunization with LINGO-1 polyclonal antiserum afforded neuroprotection and promoted functional recovery in a rat model of spinal cord injury.
Lv, Jun, et al. “Passive Immunization with LINGO-1 Polyclonal Antiserum Afforded Neuroprotection and Promoted Functional Recovery in a Rat Model of Spinal Cord Injury.” Neuroimmunomodulation, vol. 17, no. 4, 2010, pp. 270–78. EBSCOhost,
Lv, J., Xu, R., Jiang, X., Lu, X., Ke, Y., Cai, Y., Du, M., Hu, C., Zou, Y., Qin, L., & Zeng, Y. (2010). Passive immunization with LINGO-1 polyclonal antiserum afforded neuroprotection and promoted functional recovery in a rat model of spinal cord injury. Neuroimmunomodulation, 17(4), 270–278.
Lv, Jun, Ru-xiang Xu, Xiao-dan Jiang, Xin Lu, Yi-quan Ke, Ying-qian Cai, Mou-xuan Du, et al. 2010. “Passive Immunization with LINGO-1 Polyclonal Antiserum Afforded Neuroprotection and Promoted Functional Recovery in a Rat Model of Spinal Cord Injury.” Neuroimmunomodulation 17 (4): 270–78. doi:10.1159/000290043.