[Ketoacidosis complicated by fetal death revealing fulminant diabetes during the third trimester of pregnancy].
Bresson, L., et al. “[Ketoacidosis Complicated by Fetal Death Revealing Fulminant Diabetes during the Third Trimester of Pregnancy].” Journal de Gynecologie, Obstetrique et Biologie de La Reproduction, vol. 39, no. 7, Nov. 2010, pp. 588–91. EBSCOhost,
Bresson, L., Bourgain, A., Depret, T., Vambergue, A., Dubos, J.-P., Deruelle, P., & Houfflin-Debarge, V. (2010). [Ketoacidosis complicated by fetal death revealing fulminant diabetes during the third trimester of pregnancy]. Journal de Gynecologie, Obstetrique et Biologie de La Reproduction, 39(7), 588–591.
Bresson, L, A Bourgain, T Depret, A Vambergue, J-P Dubos, P Deruelle, and V Houfflin-Debarge. 2010. “[Ketoacidosis Complicated by Fetal Death Revealing Fulminant Diabetes during the Third Trimester of Pregnancy].” Journal de Gynecologie, Obstetrique et Biologie de La Reproduction 39 (7): 588–91. doi:10.1016/j.jgyn.2010.04.010.