Ultrasound evaluation and correlates of fatty liver disease: a population study in a Mediterranean area.
Chiloiro, Marisa, et al. “Ultrasound Evaluation and Correlates of Fatty Liver Disease: A Population Study in a Mediterranean Area.” Metabolic Syndrome and Related Disorders, vol. 11, no. 5, Oct. 2013, pp. 349–58. EBSCOhost,
Chiloiro, M., Caruso, M. G., Cisternino, A. M., Inguaggiato, R., Reddavide, R., Bonfiglio, C., Guerra, V., Notarnicola, M., De Michele, G., Correale, M., Noviello, M. R., & Misciagna, G. (2013). Ultrasound evaluation and correlates of fatty liver disease: a population study in a Mediterranean area. Metabolic Syndrome and Related Disorders, 11(5), 349–358.
Chiloiro, Marisa, Maria Gabriella Caruso, Anna Maria Cisternino, Rosa Inguaggiato, Rosa Reddavide, Caterina Bonfiglio, Vito Guerra, et al. 2013. “Ultrasound Evaluation and Correlates of Fatty Liver Disease: A Population Study in a Mediterranean Area.” Metabolic Syndrome and Related Disorders 11 (5): 349–58. doi:10.1089/met.2012.0169.