[Impact of induction therapies on pathology and outcome after surgical resection of non-small lung cancer: a 30-year experience of 859 patients].
Mordant, P., et al. “[Impact of Induction Therapies on Pathology and Outcome after Surgical Resection of Non-Small Lung Cancer: A 30-Year Experience of 859 Patients].” Revue de Pneumologie Clinique, vol. 70, no. 1–2, Feb. 2014, pp. 9–15. EBSCOhost,
Mordant, P., Fabre, É., Gibault, L., Arame, A., Pricopi, C., Dujon, A., Le Pimpec-Barthes, F., & Riquet, M. (2014). [Impact of induction therapies on pathology and outcome after surgical resection of non-small lung cancer: a 30-year experience of 859 patients]. Revue de Pneumologie Clinique, 70(1–2), 9–15.
Mordant, P, É Fabre, L Gibault, A Arame, C Pricopi, A Dujon, F Le Pimpec-Barthes, and M Riquet. 2014. “[Impact of Induction Therapies on Pathology and Outcome after Surgical Resection of Non-Small Lung Cancer: A 30-Year Experience of 859 Patients].” Revue de Pneumologie Clinique 70 (1–2): 9–15. doi:10.1016/j.pneumo.2013.12.008.