Probing the Conformational and Functional Consequences of Disulfide Bond Engineering in Growth Hormone by Hydrogen-Deuterium Exchange Mass Spectrometry Coupled to Electron Transfer Dissociation.
Seger, Signe T., et al. “Probing the Conformational and Functional Consequences of Disulfide Bond Engineering in Growth Hormone by Hydrogen-Deuterium Exchange Mass Spectrometry Coupled to Electron Transfer Dissociation.” Analytical Chemistry, vol. 87, no. 12, June 2015, pp. 5973–80. EBSCOhost,
Seger, S. T., Breinholt, J., Faber, J. H., Andersen, M. D., Wiberg, C., Schjødt, C. B., & Rand, K. D. (2015). Probing the Conformational and Functional Consequences of Disulfide Bond Engineering in Growth Hormone by Hydrogen-Deuterium Exchange Mass Spectrometry Coupled to Electron Transfer Dissociation. Analytical Chemistry, 87(12), 5973–5980.
Seger, Signe T, Jens Breinholt, Johan H Faber, Mette D Andersen, Charlotte Wiberg, Christine B Schjødt, and Kasper D Rand. 2015. “Probing the Conformational and Functional Consequences of Disulfide Bond Engineering in Growth Hormone by Hydrogen-Deuterium Exchange Mass Spectrometry Coupled to Electron Transfer Dissociation.” Analytical Chemistry 87 (12): 5973–80. doi:10.1021/ac504782v.