Foxg1-Cre Mediated Lrp2 Inactivation in the Developing Mouse Neural Retina, Ciliary and Retinal Pigment Epithelia Models Congenital High Myopia.
Cases, Olivier, et al. “Foxg1-Cre Mediated Lrp2 Inactivation in the Developing Mouse Neural Retina, Ciliary and Retinal Pigment Epithelia Models Congenital High Myopia.” PloS One, vol. 10, no. 6, June 2015, p. e0129518. EBSCOhost,
Cases, O., Joseph, A., Obry, A., Santin, M. D., Ben-Yacoub, S., Pâques, M., Amsellem-Levera, S., Bribian, A., Simonutti, M., Augustin, S., Debeir, T., Sahel, J. A., Christ, A., de Castro, F., Lehéricy, S., Cosette, P., & Kozyraki, R. (2015). Foxg1-Cre Mediated Lrp2 Inactivation in the Developing Mouse Neural Retina, Ciliary and Retinal Pigment Epithelia Models Congenital High Myopia. PloS One, 10(6), e0129518.
Cases, Olivier, Antoine Joseph, Antoine Obry, Mathieu D Santin, Sirine Ben-Yacoub, Michel Pâques, Sabine Amsellem-Levera, et al. 2015. “Foxg1-Cre Mediated Lrp2 Inactivation in the Developing Mouse Neural Retina, Ciliary and Retinal Pigment Epithelia Models Congenital High Myopia.” PloS One 10 (6): e0129518. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0129518.