Oral supplementations of betaine, choline, creatine and vitamin B6 and their influence on the development of homocysteinaemia in neonatal piglets.
Côté-Robitaille, Marie-Édith, et al. “Oral Supplementations of Betaine, Choline, Creatine and Vitamin B6 and Their Influence on the Development of Homocysteinaemia in Neonatal Piglets.” Journal of Nutritional Science, vol. 4, Sept. 2015, p. e31. EBSCOhost,
Côté-Robitaille, M.-É., Girard, C. L., Guay, F., & Matte, J. J. (2015). Oral supplementations of betaine, choline, creatine and vitamin B6 and their influence on the development of homocysteinaemia in neonatal piglets. Journal of Nutritional Science, 4, e31.
Côté-Robitaille, Marie-Édith, Christiane L Girard, Frédéric Guay, and J Jacques Matte. 2015. “Oral Supplementations of Betaine, Choline, Creatine and Vitamin B6 and Their Influence on the Development of Homocysteinaemia in Neonatal Piglets.” Journal of Nutritional Science 4 (September): e31. doi:10.1017/jns.2015.19.