Perception Is Reality: quality metrics in pancreas surgery - a Central Pancreas Consortium (CPC) analysis of 1399 patients.
Abbott, Daniel E., et al. “Perception Is Reality: Quality Metrics in Pancreas Surgery - a Central Pancreas Consortium (CPC) Analysis of 1399 Patients.” HPB : The Official Journal of the International Hepato Pancreato Biliary Association, vol. 18, no. 5, May 2016, pp. 462–69. EBSCOhost,
Abbott, D. E., Martin, G., Kooby, D. A., Merchant, N. B., Squires, M. H., Maithel, S. K., Weber, S. M., Winslow, E. R., Cho, C. S., Bentrem, D. J., Kim, H. J., Scoggins, C. R., Martin, R. C., Parikh, A. A., Hawkins, W. G., & Ahmad, S. A. (2016). Perception Is Reality: quality metrics in pancreas surgery - a Central Pancreas Consortium (CPC) analysis of 1399 patients. HPB : The Official Journal of the International Hepato Pancreato Biliary Association, 18(5), 462–469.
Abbott, Daniel E, Grace Martin, David A Kooby, Nipun B Merchant, Malcolm H Squires, Shishir K Maithel, Sharon M Weber, et al. 2016. “Perception Is Reality: Quality Metrics in Pancreas Surgery - a Central Pancreas Consortium (CPC) Analysis of 1399 Patients.” HPB : The Official Journal of the International Hepato Pancreato Biliary Association 18 (5): 462–69. doi:10.1016/j.hpb.2015.11.006.