Predictors of Early Extubation After Pediatric Cardiac Surgery: A Single-Center Prospective Observational Study.
Ödek, Çağlar, et al. “Predictors of Early Extubation After Pediatric Cardiac Surgery: A Single-Center Prospective Observational Study.” Pediatric Cardiology, vol. 37, no. 7, Oct. 2016, pp. 1241–49. EBSCOhost,
Ödek, Ç., Kendirli, T., Uçar, T., Yaman, A., Tutar, E., Eyileten, Z., Taşar, M., Ramoğlu, M., Ateş, C., Uysalel, A., İnce, E., & Atalay, S. (2016). Predictors of Early Extubation After Pediatric Cardiac Surgery: A Single-Center Prospective Observational Study. Pediatric Cardiology, 37(7), 1241–1249.
Ödek, Çağlar, Tanıl Kendirli, Tayfun Uçar, Ayhan Yaman, Ercan Tutar, Zeynep Eyileten, Mehmet Taşar, et al. 2016. “Predictors of Early Extubation After Pediatric Cardiac Surgery: A Single-Center Prospective Observational Study.” Pediatric Cardiology 37 (7): 1241–49. doi:10.1007/s00246-016-1423-6.