Study of protein folding under native conditions by rapidly switching the hydrostatic pressure inside an NMR sample cell.
Charlier, Cyril, et al. “Study of Protein Folding under Native Conditions by Rapidly Switching the Hydrostatic Pressure inside an NMR Sample Cell.” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, vol. 115, no. 18, May 2018, pp. E4169–78. EBSCOhost,
Charlier, C., Alderson, T. R., Courtney, J. M., Ying, J., Anfinrud, P., & Bax, A. (2018). Study of protein folding under native conditions by rapidly switching the hydrostatic pressure inside an NMR sample cell. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 115(18), E4169–E4178.
Charlier, Cyril, T Reid Alderson, Joseph M Courtney, Jinfa Ying, Philip Anfinrud, and Adriaan Bax. 2018. “Study of Protein Folding under Native Conditions by Rapidly Switching the Hydrostatic Pressure inside an NMR Sample Cell.” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 115 (18): E4169–78. doi:10.1073/pnas.1803642115.