Glycated haemoglobin A 1c (HbA 1c ) for detection of diabetes mellitus and impaired fasting glucose in Malawi: a diagnostic accuracy study.
Rathod, Sujit D., et al. “Glycated Haemoglobin A 1c (HbA 1c ) for Detection of Diabetes Mellitus and Impaired Fasting Glucose in Malawi: A Diagnostic Accuracy Study.” BMJ Open, vol. 8, no. 5, May 2018, p. e020972. EBSCOhost,
Rathod, S. D., Crampin, A. C., Musicha, C., Kayuni, N., Banda, L., Saul, J., McLean, E., Branson, K., Jaffar, S., & Nyirenda, M. J. (2018). Glycated haemoglobin A 1c (HbA 1c ) for detection of diabetes mellitus and impaired fasting glucose in Malawi: a diagnostic accuracy study. BMJ Open, 8(5), e020972.
Rathod, Sujit D, Amelia C Crampin, Crispin Musicha, Ndoliwe Kayuni, Louis Banda, Jacqueline Saul, Estelle McLean, Keith Branson, Shabbar Jaffar, and Moffat J Nyirenda. 2018. “Glycated Haemoglobin A 1c (HbA 1c ) for Detection of Diabetes Mellitus and Impaired Fasting Glucose in Malawi: A Diagnostic Accuracy Study.” BMJ Open 8 (5): e020972. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2017-020972.