The crystallization additive hexatungstotellurate promotes the crystallization of the HSP70 nucleotide binding domain into two different crystal forms.
Mac Sweeney, Aengus, et al. “The Crystallization Additive Hexatungstotellurate Promotes the Crystallization of the HSP70 Nucleotide Binding Domain into Two Different Crystal Forms.” PloS One, vol. 13, no. 6, June 2018, p. e0199639. EBSCOhost,
Mac Sweeney, A., Chambovey, A., Wicki, M., Müller, M., Artico, N., Lange, R., Bijelic, A., Breibeck, J., & Rompel, A. (2018). The crystallization additive hexatungstotellurate promotes the crystallization of the HSP70 nucleotide binding domain into two different crystal forms. PloS One, 13(6), e0199639.
Mac Sweeney, Aengus, Alain Chambovey, Micha Wicki, Manon Müller, Nadia Artico, Roland Lange, Aleksandar Bijelic, Joscha Breibeck, and Annette Rompel. 2018. “The Crystallization Additive Hexatungstotellurate Promotes the Crystallization of the HSP70 Nucleotide Binding Domain into Two Different Crystal Forms.” PloS One 13 (6): e0199639. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0199639.