A Pilot Randomized-Controlled Trial on the Effect of CPAP Treatment on Glycemic Control in Gestational Diabetes: Study Design and Methods.
Pamidi, Sushmita, et al. “A Pilot Randomized-Controlled Trial on the Effect of CPAP Treatment on Glycemic Control in Gestational Diabetes: Study Design and Methods.” Frontiers in Endocrinology, vol. 9, Nov. 2018, p. 659. EBSCOhost,
Pamidi, S., Meltzer, S. J., Garfield, N., Lavigne, L., Olha, A., Khalyfa, A., Benedetti, A., Tremblay, G., Gagnon, R., Rey, E., Dasgupta, K., & Kimoff, R. J. (2018). A Pilot Randomized-Controlled Trial on the Effect of CPAP Treatment on Glycemic Control in Gestational Diabetes: Study Design and Methods. Frontiers in Endocrinology, 9, 659.
Pamidi, Sushmita, Sara J Meltzer, Natasha Garfield, Lorraine Lavigne, Allen Olha, Ahamed Khalyfa, Andrea Benedetti, et al. 2018. “A Pilot Randomized-Controlled Trial on the Effect of CPAP Treatment on Glycemic Control in Gestational Diabetes: Study Design and Methods.” Frontiers in Endocrinology 9 (November): 659. doi:10.3389/fendo.2018.00659.