STUDY PROTOCOL: EXPOSURE IN VIRTUAL REALITY FOR SOCIAL ANXIETY DISORDER - a randomized controlled superiority trial comparing cognitive behavioral therapy with virtual reality based exposure to cognitive behavioral therapy with in vivo exposure.
Clemmensen, Lars, et al. “STUDY PROTOCOL: EXPOSURE IN VIRTUAL REALITY FOR SOCIAL ANXIETY DISORDER - a Randomized Controlled Superiority Trial Comparing Cognitive Behavioral Therapy with Virtual Reality Based Exposure to Cognitive Behavioral Therapy with in Vivo Exposure.” BMC Psychiatry, vol. 20, no. 1, Jan. 2020, p. 32. EBSCOhost,
Clemmensen, L., Bouchard, S., Rasmussen, J., Holmberg, T. T., Nielsen, J. H., Jepsen, J. R. M., & Lichtenstein, M. B. (2020). STUDY PROTOCOL: EXPOSURE IN VIRTUAL REALITY FOR SOCIAL ANXIETY DISORDER - a randomized controlled superiority trial comparing cognitive behavioral therapy with virtual reality based exposure to cognitive behavioral therapy with in vivo exposure. BMC Psychiatry, 20(1), 32.
Clemmensen, Lars, Stéphane Bouchard, Johan Rasmussen, Trine Theresa Holmberg, Jakob Hyldig Nielsen, Jens Richardt Møllegaard Jepsen, and Mia Beck Lichtenstein. 2020. “STUDY PROTOCOL: EXPOSURE IN VIRTUAL REALITY FOR SOCIAL ANXIETY DISORDER - a Randomized Controlled Superiority Trial Comparing Cognitive Behavioral Therapy with Virtual Reality Based Exposure to Cognitive Behavioral Therapy with in Vivo Exposure.” BMC Psychiatry 20 (1): 32. doi:10.1186/s12888-020-2453-4.