Clonal Relationship Between Lichen Sclerosus, Differentiated Vulvar Intra-epithelial Neoplasia and Non HPV-related Vulvar Squamous Cell Carcinoma.
Pouwer, Anne-Floor W., et al. “Clonal Relationship Between Lichen Sclerosus, Differentiated Vulvar Intra-Epithelial Neoplasia and Non HPV-Related Vulvar Squamous Cell Carcinoma.” Cancer Genomics & Proteomics, vol. 17, no. 2, Mar. 2020, pp. 151–60. EBSCOhost,
Pouwer, A.-F. W., VAN DEN Einden, L. C. G., VAN DER Linden, M., Hehir-Kwa, J. Y., Yu, J., Hendriks, K. M., Kamping, E. J., Eijkelenboom, A., Massuger, L. F. A. G., Bulten, J., VAN Tilborg, A. A. G., DE Hullu, J. A., & Kuiper, R. P. (2020). Clonal Relationship Between Lichen Sclerosus, Differentiated Vulvar Intra-epithelial Neoplasia and Non HPV-related Vulvar Squamous Cell Carcinoma. Cancer Genomics & Proteomics, 17(2), 151–160.
Pouwer, Anne-Floor W, Loes C G VAN DEN Einden, Michelle VAN DER Linden, Jayne Y Hehir-Kwa, Jiangyan Yu, Koen M Hendriks, Eveline J Kamping, et al. 2020. “Clonal Relationship Between Lichen Sclerosus, Differentiated Vulvar Intra-Epithelial Neoplasia and Non HPV-Related Vulvar Squamous Cell Carcinoma.” Cancer Genomics & Proteomics 17 (2): 151–60. doi:10.21873/cgp.20175.