When basic supplies are missing, what to do? Specific demands of the local street population in times of coronavirus - a concern of social psychiatry.
Neto, Modesto Leite Rolim, et al. “When Basic Supplies Are Missing, What to Do? Specific Demands of the Local Street Population in Times of Coronavirus - a Concern of Social Psychiatry.” Psychiatry Research, vol. 288, June 2020, p. 112939. EBSCOhost,
Neto, M. L. R., de Souza, R. I., Quezado, R. M. M., Mendonça, E. C. S., de Araújo, T. I., Luz, D. C. R. P., de Santana, W. J., Sampaio, J. R. F., Carvalho, P. M. de M., Arrais, T. M. S. N., Landim, J. M. M., & da Silva, C. G. L. (2020). When basic supplies are missing, what to do? Specific demands of the local street population in times of coronavirus - a concern of social psychiatry. Psychiatry Research, 288, 112939.
Neto, Modesto Leite Rolim, Ricardo Inácio de Souza, Rosa Magda Martins Quezado, Elayne Cristina Santos Mendonça, Tallys Iury de Araújo, Dayse Christina Rodrigues Pereira Luz, Willma José de Santana, et al. 2020. “When Basic Supplies Are Missing, What to Do? Specific Demands of the Local Street Population in Times of Coronavirus - a Concern of Social Psychiatry.” Psychiatry Research 288 (June): 112939. doi:10.1016/j.psychres.2020.112939.