Stabilization of Modular Nanotransporters by Embedding Hemin in Them in a New Strain with Heme Receptor Expression.
Khramtsov, Yu V., et al. “Stabilization of Modular Nanotransporters by Embedding Hemin in Them in a New Strain with Heme Receptor Expression.” Doklady. Biochemistry and Biophysics, vol. 490, no. 1, Jan. 2020, pp. 47–49. EBSCOhost,
Khramtsov, Y. V., Ulasov, A. V., Rosenkranz, A. A., Georgiev, G. P., & Sobolev, A. S. (2020). Stabilization of Modular Nanotransporters by Embedding Hemin in Them in a New Strain with Heme Receptor Expression. Doklady. Biochemistry and Biophysics, 490(1), 47–49.
Khramtsov, Yu V, A V Ulasov, A A Rosenkranz, G P Georgiev, and A S Sobolev. 2020. “Stabilization of Modular Nanotransporters by Embedding Hemin in Them in a New Strain with Heme Receptor Expression.” Doklady. Biochemistry and Biophysics 490 (1): 47–49. doi:10.1134/S1607672920010093.