Sub-ppb-level CH 4 detection by exploiting a low-noise differential photoacoustic resonator with a room-temperature interband cascade laser.
Zheng, Huadan, et al. “Sub-Ppb-Level CH 4 Detection by Exploiting a Low-Noise Differential Photoacoustic Resonator with a Room-Temperature Interband Cascade Laser.” Optics Express, vol. 28, no. 13, June 2020, pp. 19446–56. EBSCOhost,
Zheng, H., Liu, Y., Lin, H., Kan, R., Patimisco, P., Sampaolo, A., Giglio, M., Zhu, W., Yu, J., Tittel, F. K., Spagnolo, V., & Chen, Z. (2020). Sub-ppb-level CH 4 detection by exploiting a low-noise differential photoacoustic resonator with a room-temperature interband cascade laser. Optics Express, 28(13), 19446–19456.
Zheng, Huadan, Yihua Liu, Haoyang Lin, Ruifeng Kan, Pietro Patimisco, Angelo Sampaolo, Marilena Giglio, et al. 2020. “Sub-Ppb-Level CH 4 Detection by Exploiting a Low-Noise Differential Photoacoustic Resonator with a Room-Temperature Interband Cascade Laser.” Optics Express 28 (13): 19446–56. doi:10.1364/OE.391322.