Clustering of Dietary Patterns and Lifestyles Among Spanish Children in the EsNuPI Study † .
Plaza-Díaz, Julio, et al. “Clustering of Dietary Patterns and Lifestyles Among Spanish Children in the EsNuPI Study † .” Nutrients, vol. 12, no. 9, Aug. 2020. EBSCOhost,
Plaza-Díaz, J., Molina-Montes, E., Soto-Méndez, M. J., Madrigal, C., Hernández-Ruiz, Á., Valero, T., Lara Villoslada, F., Leis, R., Martínez de Victoria, E., Moreno, J. M., Ortega, R. M., Ruiz-López, M. D., Varela-Moreiras, G., & Gil, Á. (2020). Clustering of Dietary Patterns and Lifestyles Among Spanish Children in the EsNuPI Study † . Nutrients, 12(9).
Plaza-Díaz, Julio, Esther Molina-Montes, María José Soto-Méndez, Casandra Madrigal, Ángela Hernández-Ruiz, Teresa Valero, Federico Lara Villoslada, et al. 2020. “Clustering of Dietary Patterns and Lifestyles Among Spanish Children in the EsNuPI Study † .” Nutrients 12 (9). doi:10.3390/nu12092536.