Bleeding Disorders in Bothrops atrox Envenomations in the Brazilian Amazon: Participation of Hemostatic Factors and the Impact of Tissue Factor.
S Oliveira, Sâmella, et al. “Bleeding Disorders in Bothrops Atrox Envenomations in the Brazilian Amazon: Participation of Hemostatic Factors and the Impact of Tissue Factor.” Toxins, vol. 12, no. 9, Aug. 2020. EBSCOhost,
S Oliveira, S., C Alves, E., S Santos, A., F Nascimento, E., T Pereira, J. P., M Silva, I., A G Sachett, J., S Sarraff, L. K., Freitas-de-Sousa, L. A., Colombini, M., O Marques, H., V G Lacerda, M., Sartim, M. A., Moura-da-Silva, A. M., L Ferreira, L. C., S Sano-Martins, I., & M Monteiro, W. (2020). Bleeding Disorders in Bothrops atrox Envenomations in the Brazilian Amazon: Participation of Hemostatic Factors and the Impact of Tissue Factor. Toxins, 12(9).
S Oliveira, Sâmella, Eliane C Alves, Alessandra S Santos, Elizandra F Nascimento, João Pedro T Pereira, Iran M Silva, Jacqueline A G Sachett, et al. 2020. “Bleeding Disorders in Bothrops Atrox Envenomations in the Brazilian Amazon: Participation of Hemostatic Factors and the Impact of Tissue Factor.” Toxins 12 (9). doi:10.3390/toxins12090554.