A Proposed Blueprint for Operative Performance Training, Assessment, and Certification.
Williams, Reed G., et al. “A Proposed Blueprint for Operative Performance Training, Assessment, and Certification.” Annals of Surgery, vol. 273, no. 4, Apr. 2021, pp. 701–08. EBSCOhost,
Williams, R. G., George, B. C., Bohnen, J. D., Dunnington, G. L., Fryer, J. P., Klamen, D. L., Meyerson, S. L., Swanson, D. B., & Mellinger, J. D. (2021). A Proposed Blueprint for Operative Performance Training, Assessment, and Certification. Annals of Surgery, 273(4), 701–708.
Williams, Reed G, Brian C George, Jordan D Bohnen, Gary L Dunnington, Jonathan P Fryer, Debra L Klamen, Shari L Meyerson, David B Swanson, and John D Mellinger. 2021. “A Proposed Blueprint for Operative Performance Training, Assessment, and Certification.” Annals of Surgery 273 (4): 701–8. doi:10.1097/SLA.0000000000004467.