BMI mediates the association of family medical history with self-reported hypertension and diabetes among older adults: Evidence from baseline wave of the longitudinal aging study in India.
Muhammad, T., et al. “BMI Mediates the Association of Family Medical History with Self-Reported Hypertension and Diabetes among Older Adults: Evidence from Baseline Wave of the Longitudinal Aging Study in India.” SSM - Population Health, vol. 19, July 2022, p. 101175. EBSCOhost,
Muhammad, T., Irshad, C. V., & Rajan, S. I. (2022). BMI mediates the association of family medical history with self-reported hypertension and diabetes among older adults: Evidence from baseline wave of the longitudinal aging study in India. SSM - Population Health, 19, 101175.
Muhammad, T, C V Irshad, and S Irudaya Rajan. 2022. “BMI Mediates the Association of Family Medical History with Self-Reported Hypertension and Diabetes among Older Adults: Evidence from Baseline Wave of the Longitudinal Aging Study in India.” SSM - Population Health 19 (July): 101175. doi:10.1016/j.ssmph.2022.101175.