Accuracy of the European Association of Urology (EAU) NMIBC 2021 scoring model in predicting progression in a large cohort of HG T1 NMIBC patients treated with BCG.
Contieri, Roberto, et al. “Accuracy of the European Association of Urology (EAU) NMIBC 2021 Scoring Model in Predicting Progression in a Large Cohort of HG T1 NMIBC Patients Treated with BCG.” Minerva Urology and Nephrology, vol. 75, no. 2, Apr. 2023, pp. 180–87. EBSCOhost,
Contieri, R., Hurle, R., Paciotti, M., Casale, P., Saita, A., Porpiglia, F., Fiori, C., Barone, B., Crocetto, F., Lucarelli, G., Busetto, G. M., Del Giudice, F., Maggi, M., Cantiello, F., Damiano, R., Borghesi, M., Bove, P., Bertolo, R., Papalia, R., … Ferro, M. (2023). Accuracy of the European Association of Urology (EAU) NMIBC 2021 scoring model in predicting progression in a large cohort of HG T1 NMIBC patients treated with BCG. Minerva Urology and Nephrology, 75(2), 180–187.
Contieri, Roberto, Rodolfo Hurle, Marco Paciotti, Paolo Casale, Alberto Saita, Francesco Porpiglia, Cristian Fiori, et al. 2023. “Accuracy of the European Association of Urology (EAU) NMIBC 2021 Scoring Model in Predicting Progression in a Large Cohort of HG T1 NMIBC Patients Treated with BCG.” Minerva Urology and Nephrology 75 (2): 180–87. doi:10.23736/S2724-6051.22.04953-9.