Pigmentary mosaicism as a recurrent clinical manifestation in three new patients with mosaic trisomy 12 diagnosed postnatally: cases report and literature review.
Martínez-Hernández, A., et al. “Pigmentary Mosaicism as a Recurrent Clinical Manifestation in Three New Patients with Mosaic Trisomy 12 Diagnosed Postnatally: Cases Report and Literature Review.” BMC Medical Genomics, vol. 15, no. 1, Oct. 2022, p. 224. EBSCOhost,
Martínez-Hernández, A., Martínez-Anaya, D., Durán-McKinster, C., Del Castillo-Ruiz, V., Navarrete-Meneses, P., Córdova, E. J., Villegas-Torres, B. E., Ruiz-Herrera, A., Juárez-Velázquez, R., Yokoyama-Rebollar, E., Cervantes-Barragán, D., Pedraza-Meléndez, A., Orozco, L., Pérez-Vera, P., & Salas-Labadía, C. (2022). Pigmentary mosaicism as a recurrent clinical manifestation in three new patients with mosaic trisomy 12 diagnosed postnatally: cases report and literature review. BMC Medical Genomics, 15(1), 224.
Martínez-Hernández, A, D Martínez-Anaya, C Durán-McKinster, V Del Castillo-Ruiz, P Navarrete-Meneses, E J Córdova, B E Villegas-Torres, et al. 2022. “Pigmentary Mosaicism as a Recurrent Clinical Manifestation in Three New Patients with Mosaic Trisomy 12 Diagnosed Postnatally: Cases Report and Literature Review.” BMC Medical Genomics 15 (1): 224. doi:10.1186/s12920-022-01382-x.