Occurrence records and metadata for sand flies (Diptera, Psychodidae, Phlebotominae) collected in the lands of indigenous people in the Brazilian Amazon.
Shimabukuro, Paloma Helena Fernandes, et al. “Occurrence Records and Metadata for Sand Flies (Diptera, Psychodidae, Phlebotominae) Collected in the Lands of Indigenous People in the Brazilian Amazon.” GigaByte (Hong Kong, China), vol. 2022, May 2022, p. gigabyte61. EBSCOhost,
Shimabukuro, P. H. F., Alves, D. R. C., Barros, J. A. C., Nascimento, L. O. C., Baton, L. A., Freire, M. P., da Silva, M. E. M., de Assis, M. D. G. G., Morais, S. F., da Costa, T. S., Alves, V. R., & Moreno, E. S. (2022). Occurrence records and metadata for sand flies (Diptera, Psychodidae, Phlebotominae) collected in the lands of indigenous people in the Brazilian Amazon. GigaByte (Hong Kong, China), 2022, gigabyte61.
Shimabukuro, Paloma Helena Fernandes, Daniel Rocha Cangussu Alves, Jéssica Adalia Costa Barros, Luiz Otavio Cordeiro Nascimento, Luke Anthony Baton, Maíra Posteraro Freire, Manoel Edson Medeiros da Silva, et al. 2022. “Occurrence Records and Metadata for Sand Flies (Diptera, Psychodidae, Phlebotominae) Collected in the Lands of Indigenous People in the Brazilian Amazon.” GigaByte (Hong Kong, China) 2022 (May): gigabyte61. doi:10.46471/gigabyte.61.