Smooth Descent: A ploidy-aware algorithm to improve linkage mapping in the presence of genotyping errors.
Thérèse Navarro, Alejandro, et al. “Smooth Descent: A Ploidy-Aware Algorithm to Improve Linkage Mapping in the Presence of Genotyping Errors.” Frontiers in Genetics, vol. 14, Mar. 2023, p. 1049988. EBSCOhost,
Thérèse Navarro, A., Bourke, P. M., van de Weg, E., Clot, C. R., Arens, P., Finkers, R., & Maliepaard, C. (2023). Smooth Descent: A ploidy-aware algorithm to improve linkage mapping in the presence of genotyping errors. Frontiers in Genetics, 14, 1049988.
Thérèse Navarro, Alejandro, Peter M Bourke, Eric van de Weg, Corentin R Clot, Paul Arens, Richard Finkers, and Chris Maliepaard. 2023. “Smooth Descent: A Ploidy-Aware Algorithm to Improve Linkage Mapping in the Presence of Genotyping Errors.” Frontiers in Genetics 14 (March): 1049988. doi:10.3389/fgene.2023.1049988.