Eastern Colombian Páramo Liodessus Guignot, 1939 diving beetles are genetically structured, but show signs of hybridization, with description of new species and subspecies (Coleoptera, Dytiscidae).
Balke, Michael, et al. “Eastern Colombian Páramo Liodessus Guignot, 1939 Diving Beetles Are Genetically Structured, but Show Signs of Hybridization, with Description of New Species and Subspecies (Coleoptera, Dytiscidae).” ZooKeys, vol. 1143, Jan. 2023, pp. 165–87. EBSCOhost,
Balke, M., Neven, K., Villastrigo, A., Ospina-Torres, R., Prieto, C., Gutierrez Rubiano, N., Lotta, I., Dueñas, L. F., & Hendrich, L. (2023). Eastern Colombian Páramo Liodessus Guignot, 1939 diving beetles are genetically structured, but show signs of hybridization, with description of new species and subspecies (Coleoptera, Dytiscidae). ZooKeys, 1143, 165–187.
Balke, Michael, Katja Neven, Adrián Villastrigo, Rodulfo Ospina-Torres, Carlos Prieto, Nicolas Gutierrez Rubiano, Ingrid Lotta, Luisa F Dueñas, and Lars Hendrich. 2023. “Eastern Colombian Páramo Liodessus Guignot, 1939 Diving Beetles Are Genetically Structured, but Show Signs of Hybridization, with Description of New Species and Subspecies (Coleoptera, Dytiscidae).” ZooKeys 1143 (January): 165–87. doi:10.3897/zookeys.1143.97461.