Investigation of the Formaldehyde-Catalyzed NNitrosation of Dialkyl Amines: An Automated Experimental and Kinetic Modelling Study Using Dibutylamine.
Diab, Samir, et al. “Investigation of the Formaldehyde-Catalyzed NNitrosation of Dialkyl Amines: An Automated Experimental and Kinetic Modelling Study Using Dibutylamine.” Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, vol. 113, no. 6, June 2024, pp. 1624–35. EBSCOhost,
Diab, S., Ferrini, P., Dominey, A. P., Whiting, M. P., Wickens, J. R., Ashworth, I. W., & Rainey, T. J. (2024). Investigation of the Formaldehyde-Catalyzed NNitrosation of Dialkyl Amines: An Automated Experimental and Kinetic Modelling Study Using Dibutylamine. Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 113(6), 1624–1635.
Diab, Samir, Paola Ferrini, Andrew P Dominey, Matthew P Whiting, James R Wickens, Ian W Ashworth, and Trevor J Rainey. 2024. “Investigation of the Formaldehyde-Catalyzed NNitrosation of Dialkyl Amines: An Automated Experimental and Kinetic Modelling Study Using Dibutylamine.” Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 113 (6): 1624–35. doi:10.1016/j.xphs.2024.01.017.