Screening student drinking behaviors: examining AUDIT criterion validity using CIDI-based alcohol use disorder as the 'gold standard'.
Skogen, Jens Christoffer, et al. “Screening Student Drinking Behaviors: Examining AUDIT Criterion Validity Using CIDI-Based Alcohol Use Disorder as the ‘Gold Standard.’” Frontiers in Public Health, vol. 12, Apr. 2024, p. 1328819. EBSCOhost,
Skogen, J. C., Thørrisen, M. M., Knudsen, A. K. S., Reneflot, A., & Sivertsen, B. (2024). Screening student drinking behaviors: examining AUDIT criterion validity using CIDI-based alcohol use disorder as the “gold standard.” Frontiers in Public Health, 12, 1328819.
Skogen, Jens Christoffer, Mikkel Magnus Thørrisen, Ann Kristin Skrindo Knudsen, Anne Reneflot, and Børge Sivertsen. 2024. “Screening Student Drinking Behaviors: Examining AUDIT Criterion Validity Using CIDI-Based Alcohol Use Disorder as the ‘Gold Standard.’” Frontiers in Public Health 12 (April): 1328819. doi:10.3389/fpubh.2024.1328819.