Robotic Versus Open Pancreatoduodenectomy With Vein Resection and Reconstruction: A Propensity Score-Matched Analysis.
Napoli, Niccolò, et al. “Robotic Versus Open Pancreatoduodenectomy With Vein Resection and Reconstruction: A Propensity Score-Matched Analysis.” Annals of Surgery Open : Perspectives of Surgical History, Education, and Clinical Approaches, vol. 5, no. 2, Mar. 2024, p. e409. EBSCOhost,
Napoli, N., Kauffmann, E. F., Ginesini, M., Di Dato, A., Viti, V., Gianfaldoni, C., Lami, L., Cappelli, C., Rotondo, M. I., Campani, D., Amorese, G., Vivaldi, C., Cesario, S., Bernardini, L., Vasile, E., Vistoli, F., & Boggi, U. (2024). Robotic Versus Open Pancreatoduodenectomy With Vein Resection and Reconstruction: A Propensity Score-Matched Analysis. Annals of Surgery Open : Perspectives of Surgical History, Education, and Clinical Approaches, 5(2), e409.
Napoli, Niccolò, Emanuele Federico Kauffmann, Michael Ginesini, Armando Di Dato, Virginia Viti, Cesare Gianfaldoni, Lucrezia Lami, et al. 2024. “Robotic Versus Open Pancreatoduodenectomy With Vein Resection and Reconstruction: A Propensity Score-Matched Analysis.” Annals of Surgery Open : Perspectives of Surgical History, Education, and Clinical Approaches 5 (2): e409. doi:10.1097/AS9.0000000000000409.