Three-month treatment outcome of medication-overuse headache according to classes of overused medications, use of acute medications, and preventive treatments.
Oh, Sun-Young, et al. “Three-Month Treatment Outcome of Medication-Overuse Headache According to Classes of Overused Medications, Use of Acute Medications, and Preventive Treatments.” Scientific Reports, vol. 14, no. 1, July 2024, p. 16013. EBSCOhost,
Oh, S.-Y., Kang, J.-J., Park, H.-K., Cho, S.-J., Hong, Y., Kang, M.-K., Moon, H.-S., Lee, M. J., Song, T.-J., Suh, Y. J., & Chu, M. K. (2024). Three-month treatment outcome of medication-overuse headache according to classes of overused medications, use of acute medications, and preventive treatments. Scientific Reports, 14(1), 16013.
Oh, Sun-Young, Jin-Ju Kang, Hong-Kyun Park, Soo-Jin Cho, Yooha Hong, Mi-Kyoung Kang, Heui-Soo Moon, et al. 2024. “Three-Month Treatment Outcome of Medication-Overuse Headache According to Classes of Overused Medications, Use of Acute Medications, and Preventive Treatments.” Scientific Reports 14 (1): 16013. doi:10.1038/s41598-024-66906-0.